Film review: Run All Night (15, 114 mins)

Run All Night: Liam Neeson as Jimmy ConlonRun All Night: Liam Neeson as Jimmy Conlon
Run All Night: Liam Neeson as Jimmy Conlon
All-action Neeson is pumped

“I’ve done terrible things in my life, things for which I can never be forgiven,” confesses hit man Jimmy Conlon (Liam Neeson).

For 30 years, Jimmy has outfoxed tenacious Detective John Harding (Vincent D’Onofrio) and slayed targets at the behest of his best friend, mob boss Shawn Maguire (Ed Harris).

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Alcohol is Jimmy’s solace from his manifold transgressions, which have cast him adrift from his son Mike (Joel Kinnaman), who works as a limousine driver and has an expectant wife Gabriela (Genesis Rodriguez) and two daughters.

One fateful night, Mike witnesses Shawn’s reckless son Danny (Boyd Holbrook) killing an Albanian thug.

Danny takes to heart his father’s words – “You’ve made a mess, it’s time someone other than me cleaned it up” – and resolves to silence the only witness.

Inevitably, Jimmy becomes embroiled in this deadly game of cat and mouse and he sides with his flesh and blood.

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Jaume Collet-Serra energises static scenes with swirling camerawork, enhanced with a high-energy soundtrack courtesy of Dutch dance producer Junkie XL. Screenwriter Brad Ingelsby condenses each strained relationship to one or two scenes of succinct dialogue.


Star rating: 6/10

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