Night night sleep tight with pyjama day

PJ day: J by Jasper Conran at Debenhams £20PJ day: J by Jasper Conran at Debenhams £20
PJ day: J by Jasper Conran at Debenhams £20
Some days it’s just so tempting to stay cuddled up in pyjamas all day.

And the good news is that next Friday you have got a great excuse to do just that.

It’s Comic Relief Red Nose Day and one of the fund raising wheezes is to encourage us to wear our pjs all day and raise money for a good cause.

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Just imagine. Offices, schools and factories all filled with folk in their onesies, dressing gowns and slippers.

Outfit: Hobbs Ikat Print Dress, £129, Evelyn Trouser, £119 , Aubrey Derby shoes, £139Outfit: Hobbs Ikat Print Dress, £129, Evelyn Trouser, £119 , Aubrey Derby shoes, £139
Outfit: Hobbs Ikat Print Dress, £129, Evelyn Trouser, £119 , Aubrey Derby shoes, £139

Yes, we’ll all look slightly nuts but it’ll be a great leveller won’t it?

Everyone from the MD to the work experience youngster all together in a fluffy world of cosiness.

Ultra comfy but whether much work will be done is a moot point.

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Still it’s only one day and if a worthy cause benefits then it’s all to the good.

Onesie pyjamas have been the hit of the winter. Or should that be leisure wear? These giant baby gros seem to have mutated from bed wear to all day wear in some circles even without the help of Comic Relief.

They look ridiculous but I’m assured they are the best thing since the sliced proverbial. Certainly they eradicate that annoying gap between top and bottom that lets a draught of air around your nether regions.

Not so cosy but far more elegant is the offering from Hobbs. The patterned set easily sits with the spring 2013 trend for intricate print suits.

And Debenhams night shirt is almost, but not quite, a work shirt in its own right.

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