WATCH: Home-Start Chorley looking for more volunteers

The most recent volunteers who have passed their trainingThe most recent volunteers who have passed their training
The most recent volunteers who have passed their training
A charity in Chorley is looking for new volunteers to support children and families across Lancashire.

Home-Start, which aims to improve the lives of children, is always on the look out for volunteers who work with a family, once a week for two or three hours to support them.

Some of our families need practical support with young children, others need emotional support to deal with the problems that they’re facing, sometimes advice and guidance is needed to allow parents to better their own skills.

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The most recent volunteers who have passed their trainingThe most recent volunteers who have passed their training
The most recent volunteers who have passed their training

Eunice Weller, secretary, said: "We are reaching out to the community to anybody who has a few spare hours each week and is willing to make a difference. Without our volunteers, we would not have been able to support the 104 families so far this year. Our parents’ feedback that their mental health and confidence is improved by having the support of a volunteer and ultimately, this improves the lives of their children.

"Our volunteers come from all backgrounds with differing levels of skills to share. There is no formal qualification necessary as we provide in depth and ongoing training. As long as you are able to complete a DBS check (at no cost) and provide two references, we can work with you to develop your own skills and gain valuable experience in order to have a really rewarding role with us.

"Our existing Volunteers tell us that working with us increases their confidence, improves their own well-being and enables them to make new relationships."

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The next training course is on Friday November 9 at its office in Market Street, Chorley, from 9.30am until 3pm and it runs for the following five Fridays. If anyone is interested, call 01257 241636 or email [email protected].

Video supplied by Home-Start