Car seized after driver "swerving all over the road" only had a provisional licence

The seized Audi.The seized Audi.
The seized Audi.
Preston Police have revealed how they seized an Audi after the driver was stopped for swerving all over the carriageway.

In a post on Facebook today (Friday, June 16) police revealed how they stopped the car on the M6 northbound just after junction 32 for Broughton after initially thinking he was drunk.

A breathalyser test proved he was not under the influence but a routine check showed that he did not have a full driving licence and was in fact a learner driver.

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A spokesman for Preston Police said: "Driver believed drunk as swerving all over the road.

"Driver blew 0 but suffered from a bout of amnesia.

"Driver forgot he only had a provisional licence, forgot his L plates, forgot his supervisor and insurance."

The driver was on his way to Scotland but after being reported for all offences the car was seized by police.

The seizure happened around two weeks ago.