Lancashire court listings - Monday, June 18, 2018

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Court news
Here is this week's round-up of cases at Preston's courts.

Duo stole goods from Virgin Media

Two men who stole thousands of pounds of goods from Virgin Media have been jailed.

Martin O’Donnell, 21, of Shakespeare Avenue, Hayes, Middlesex, and Michael Terrence Stokes, 28, of Boxwood Close, Middlesex, pleaded guilty to stealing three i-Phones, worth a total of £2,000, from the firm in Preston on April 22.

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Court newsCourt news
Court news

O’Donnell also admits assaulting a man in Preston on the same day.

Both defendants appeared before Preston Magistrates’ Court.

The magistrates bench said o’Donnell had a flagrant disregard for people and their property and jailed him for 120 days, branding him a “professional thief”.

His co-defendant was jailed for a 100 days after the bench ruled he too had operated as a professional thief.

Both men were ordered to pay £1,000 compensation each.

Vandal damaged seven properties

Seven homes were damaged in a spate of vandalism a court has heard.

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Joshua James Lowe, of Chorley New road, Horwich, Bolton, appeared before Preston Magistrates’ Court.

He denied a charge of criminal damage but was found guilty of the offence after a trial.

The bench was told how the 23-year-old damaged the brickwork on seven properties, which belonged to developer Rowland Homes, at a site in Leyland on November 26 last year.

The repair bill for the damage came to £1,800.

The magistrates’ bench imposed a curfew and Lowe was ordered to pay £900 in compensation.

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He must also pay an £85 victim surcharge and £150 towards his prosecution costs.

Court news

Inmate Alexander Denny, 29, of HMP Manchester was jailed for a further 26 weeks after being found guilty of an unprovoked assault on a prison officer in Leyland and must pay a £115 surcharge.

Andrew Alexander, 39, of Quernmore Road, Lancaster, was ordered to do 100 hours unpaid work after admitting benefit fraud by failing to declare his paid job, and must pay an £85 surcharge and £85 costs.

Edward Callery, 43, of Waterloo Road, Ashton, Preston, was given a curfew after admitting stealing beef joints and must pay compensation of £40, an £85 surcharge and £85 costs.

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Samuel Hayes, 27, of Bolton Road, Abbey Village, Chorley, admits two counts of stealing Jack Daniels from Morrisons and was jailed for nine weeks due to his record.

Shaun Smith, 37, of Starrgate Drive, Ashton-on-Ribble, was given a curfew after admitting stealing children’s clothing from Next, and must pay an £85 surcharge and £85 costs.

Lee Robertson, 30, of Burghley Court, Leyland, admits driving on Bent Lane, Leyland, without due care and attention and must pay a £170 fine, £30 surcharge, £85 costs.

Giusca Ionut Vladut, 26, of Suffolk Road, Preston, was found guilty of failing to give driver ID and must pay a £660 fine, £66 surcharge and £85 costs.

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Colin Hamer, 33, of West End Road, Morecambe, was discharged for a year after admitting causing £700 damage to shop windows at Rye Ryes in Morecambe, as well as two thefts, and must pay £700 compensation.

Brian Bentley, 52, of Janine Close, Morecambe, was found guilty of failing to wear a seatbelt and must pay a £220 fine, £30 surcharge and £85 costs.