Preston woman smuggled drugs, a mobile phone and sim cards into young offenders' institution

Court newsCourt news
Court news
A woman who smuggled banned items into a young offenders' institution has been jailed for two years.

Michaela Jones, 27, of Fishergate Hill, Preston, admits six counts of conveying drugs, a mobile phone, six SIM cards and a USB memory stick into HMP Lancaster Farms while visiting her partner on October 26, Preston’s Sessions House Court was told.

The items included cocaine, diamorphine and cannabis.

Jones, wearing a hoodie and thick grey scarf, looked nervous in the dock as prosecuting, Lisa Worsley said: “On October 26 last year the police were called to Lancaster Farms. PC Arrandale attended following a phone call from the custody manager.

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“She had been advised by staff that the defendant had been acting suspiciously, messing with the bottom of her trousers so she authorised a strip search.

“Nothing was found during that search, but inside her coat pocket was found cannabis with a street value of £40, cocaine worth £30 and diamorphione worth £10.

“In addition there was found a mini mobile phone, six SIM cards, and a memory stick.

“The officer went onto arrest Miss Jones and she indicated she had left some belongings at the prison reception. He then searched her handbag and purse and within was found a further 9.84g of cannabis with street value of £140, tablets with a value of £300, but also 1.91g of cocaine in five wraps with a street value of £100.

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“There is an increase in the value of drugs in prison of approximately four times the street value.

The court heard she had been involved in drugs activity previously which aggravated the case, and she made no comment in interview.

Jones’ defence lawyer said her mother had been an addict and Jones had become addicted to alcohol at 14 and heroin by 18, and the drug had “ruined her life”, leaving her homeless and begging on the street.

Recorder Nicholas Clarke accepted she had an “unhappy and fractured childhood” but added. “These items destabilise the prison environment and make it a dangerous place.”