Sex offender spied on woman in bathroom

Preston Crown CourtPreston Crown Court
Preston Crown Court
A CONVICTED sex offender was found with voyeuristic videos of a woman on a laptop he had hidden from police, a court has heard.

William Rogers, 64, of Market Street, Chorley, was made the subject of a sexual harm prevention order in 2009, and a renewed one in 2014 to protect women and children from his behaviour.

It bans him owning an electronic internet-enabled device unless it is made available for inspection by police, amongst other terms.

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Preston Magistrates’ Court heard officers were shown two phones and a PC tower by Rogers, who has a string of convictions or sexual offences, in a routine visit of his home in February but not the laptop.

Prosecuting, Kerry Grieve said: “On April 19 he was arrested on suspicion of voyeurism.

“He had asked a friend to upgrade his laptop and the man had found some images of a woman using the bathroom and showering.

“He had shown it to the woman in question but when the man made a complaint to police she did not want to make a statement and so he is being prosecuted solely for the breach.”

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The court heard police were contacted and made aware of the laptop, which Riogers not shown to them.

He pleaded guilty to a breach of the order and the court was told he had flouted various orders in the past.

Deputy District Judge David Scanlan said the discovery 
of the videos on a device 
which Rogers had deliberately not shown to officers made 
the matter too serious to be dealt with by the lower courts, and committed the case to Preston Crown Court for sentence.

He will next appear before the court on September 13.