Daniel speaks out on autism

Photo Neil Cross
12 year old Daniel Giles has been working hard to raise awareness and acceptance for autism, pictured with twin sisters Kate and EmmaPhoto Neil Cross
12 year old Daniel Giles has been working hard to raise awareness and acceptance for autism, pictured with twin sisters Kate and Emma
Photo Neil Cross 12 year old Daniel Giles has been working hard to raise awareness and acceptance for autism, pictured with twin sisters Kate and Emma
Schoolboy Daniel Giles is so determined to change attitudes towards autism that he's launched his own awareness campaign.

The 12-year-old from Leyland was diagnosed with the condition in 2014 after an initial diagnosis of dyslexia.

Having suffered bullying at primary school, he decided to put a presentation together which has now been delivered in several schools across South Ribble after word spread.

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He said: “I thought that if others understand more they will give me a break and also it would help other children with autism to be accepted just for who they are instead of being picked on or left out.”

Mum Sally, 43, said: “He doesn’t want others to go through what he went through. He said when people are in a wheelchair you can see there is something wrong, but when people see him, they just think he’s weird.”

She added: “He’s very brave to stand up and talk about his condition in front of all those people, I couldn’t do it! We’ve had great feedback from it though, with other mums who have just had their child diagnosed wanting to ask him questions.”

He’s been inspired by namesake Daniel Giles from Australia, who also has autism and speaks in schools and colleges and has consulted with the United Nations on their autism initiative.

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For three years Daniel he has also been fundraising for the National Autistic Society (NAS), which provides services for people with autism. He is well on the way to meeting his £3,000 goal, achieved through non-uniform days, cake sales and raffles.

He said: “I have had a lot of support from my family and Wellfield and I know that not everyone is as lucky as I am, so I thought the money raised can go to help NAS.”

To donate to Daniel’s cause, visit: justgiving.com/autismpower