Readers' letters - April 6

Several building developments are happening in Preston  but a reader says the infrastructure cant cope at the momentSeveral building developments are happening in Preston  but a reader says the infrastructure cant cope at the moment
Several building developments are happening in Preston  but a reader says the infrastructure cant cope at the moment
They've paved paradise...

I see the doomed debate concerning Preston’s rampant building projects carries on.

I am glad to see at least people are prepared to express opinions.

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Yes, of course we need housing for our massively increasing population in the world.

I find it rather strange but no surprise that, all of a sudden, developments are sprouting up due to the inflated prices of housing. Something to do with making more money?

The council rarely makes any sensible decisions anyway, the pounds signs must be flashing away in county hall as the extra revenue floods in.

One thing to point out as one reader states, what sort of bunch of idiots allows all this building to even start, when the infrastructure cannot cope with what it has to now?

Surely this is an absolutely crucial part of planning?

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I am once again glad I had the sense to move away from this building site called Cottam when I had the chance.

They’ve paved paradise and put a parking the song goes.

P.T of Fulwood

We don’t want to be Oklahoma

I lived in Lancashire for nearly 20 years and, like many others, I was intrigued by the possibility that the Fylde might become England’s answer to oil­rich Texas.

But, doubts were raised almost immediately by reports of a small earthquake in 2011, almost at the onset of test drilling.

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We are still an island made mainly of coal but no longer surrounded by fish (apologies for misquoting the famous saying). And if we are prepared to leave the coal in the ground as we generally are, then we should definitely be prepared to stop this fracking madness before we become another Oklahoma (the location of more than 900 earthquakes in 2015).

I know that the geology of The Fylde is not the same as that of Oklahoma, but an earthquake is an earthquake. The area of England and Wales is roughly 60,000sq miles and Oklahoma’s area is nearly 70,000sq miles.

There is no way fracking should proceed without the most stringent of safeguards. And I don’t think any safeguards would satisfy my doubts.

We need environmentally friendly sources of energy but fracking is not the answer.

Stanley Hodgson, Cumbria

Why is there such a contrast?

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Three cheers for your columnist Barry Freeman for so adeptly exposing the rank hypocrisy of the Free Market doctrine espoused by various UK governments since the beginning of the Thatcher era and beyond (LEP April 4). His critical analysis of the way in which the corrupt and greedy banking sector has been rescued by virtual nationalisation, whilst the UK steel industry is likely to be let go hang should be required reading for any student of British politics.

Phil Howard, Penwortham

Work together in EU for peace

May I remind readers of the simple beauty of our Queen’s Christmas message: “Love one another”.

Would it not be shameful for us to turn our backs on our friends and neighbours in the EU?

The EU is a great force for good.

If it had been in existence in 1914 and 1939, I think the two world wars would not have happened. Indeed, this was one of the motivations behind its inception.

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As a member of the EU, respecting and getting to know our neighbours better, we can work together to bring peace and happiness to the whole world. I shall be voting to stay.

Julie Dixon, Chorley

Government pays for fares

In answer to Distressed lady’s letter (LEP April 4), I would just like to point out that the concessionary fares are paid for out of the Government’s pot and should not be a reason to cancel bus services.

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