Readers' letters - February 26

There's too much plastic litter says a correspondentThere's too much plastic litter says a correspondent
There's too much plastic litter says a correspondent
Plastic litter galore at Lune Estuary

I recently moved back to Lancashire and in late January went for a walk by the Lune Estuary to look at the wintering bird life. I returned via the riverside embankment from Aldcliffe Hall Lane in a north-easterly direction, eventually reaching the end of New Quay Road where my car was parked. This is the embankment opposite the Golden Ball pub and the Riverside Holiday Park. I can safely say that, while the bird life was excellent, the rubbish on the high tide line was the worst that I have ever seen in my life. About 95 per cent of this was plastic, mainly bottles. I see the area on the Quay is being re-developed into a residential area. How can people live with this non-biodegradable detritus on their doorsteps, let alone the danger it poses to local wildlife?Please, through these pages, can we persuade some organisation to arrange a mass clean-up with volunteers? It will be a mammoth task – there is so much debris. I will come along to help. I know there are beach clean-ups around Morecambe Bay and although this is not a beach, surely the residents of the Lancaster area would like to help clean up the Lune riverbank?I have heard that 12 million tonnes of plastic waste ends up in our oceans every year. Seems to me a lot of that is plastered around the high tide mark of the Lune estuary.While it would be great to cut down on new plastic waste, can we do something to clean up the existing stuff? I felt quite ashamed to be a Lancastrian.In hope.C TurnerAddress supplied

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politicsOur party will bounce backAs the Government is now preparing for the next round of negotiations with the EU, there still appear to be splits within the Cabinet, as indeed there are within the opposition party, which raises the question, will the 17.4 million who voted Leave really in the end get what they voted for?Like it or not, it was UKIP that caused the 2016 in/out EU referendum, following 23 years of campaigning and the then PM David Cameron ceding to the growing demands from the voters.But as most of the establishment thought that their scaremongering tactics of “Project Fear” would be enough to maintain the status quo, they were not prepared for the Leave result that followed, nor what to do in the event.Now, despite UKIP’s recent adverse publicity, it still has an important job to do. That is to hold the Government to account over whatever deal they negotiate and ensure it satisfies the majority who voted to leave.UKIP has been written off many times before but has always managed to bounce back, and with its new interim leader, members are returning and at least one Conservative councillor has now swapped over to the party as he is disappointed with the Tory Brexit talks.Phil Griffiths North West political commentator and broadcastertransportStop signis neededThe Broughton Bypass (pictured) has brought several advantages, including far less traffic on Garstang Road (A6) through the village. However, the eminently sensible decision to not have traffic lights at the junction of the A6 with Woodplumpton and Whittingham Lanes – with A6 traffic having to ‘give way’ – has created a situation where at least a dozen accidents have occurred. It appears that Give Way signage is insufficient. Before an accident happens, which will cause serious injury or take a life, surely a solution would be for A6 traffic having to obey a Stop sign at the junction.Gerard Parke-HattonBroughtontransportPointless and ineffectiveStatutory speed limits are an ineffective and ultimately pointless way of trying to control road user behaviour. Yet it is the one which the police spend their time enforcing. If I drove down a busy high street at 30mph, I would rightly be called mad or bad. But it would still be legal. One of my regular drives involves limits of 30, 40, 70, 60, 50, 60, 40 and 30mph. For a 10-minute journey. It’s madness. I want to concentrate on the road, not my speedometer. Just for the record, I’ve never been caught for speeding, so it’s not personal!Hugh RogersAddress suppliedtransportWe wouldpay 50p

Re: LP Letters, February 20.I am 91 and, thanks to God, quite mobile. When the bus problems first occured, I suggested paying 50p. Nobody would listen on the bus staff. I’ve asked numerous pass users if they would pay. All said yes. Some said they would be willing to pay 60p.Mrs E HowarthIngol

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